(formerly the National Conference on the Use of On-line Computers in Psychology)

Revised January, 2008

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be The Society for Computers in Psychology.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the Society is to increase and diffuse knowledge of the use of computers in psychological research, and other professional activities. The Society is a non-profit organization of interested researchers.

Article III. Membership

1. The Society shall have one class of members.

2. Membership shall be open to any person who has any academic degree and who is active in scientific applications of computers to psychological research, or other professional activities.

3. Members shall be selected by the Steering Committee of the Society upon application.

4. Members of the Society may vote on all matters before the Society, attend general meetings, and submit papers for presentation at meetings. Submissions will be reviewed for content and appropriateness by the Program Committee of the annual Society. (Non-members may also submit papers for consideration by the Program Committee.)

5. Membership may be terminated by resignation, by non-payment of dues for two consecutive years, and by action of the Steering Committee in instances of violations of generally accepted ethical, professional, or scientific standards.

6. Honorary Life Membership may be awarded to someone who: 1) has been a member for at least 10 years; b) who is voted upon for this honor by at least 3/4 of the Steering Committee – as an honor for both distinguished contribution to the field of computers and research methods in psychology and also for active participation in the Society.

Article IV. Steering Committee

1. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Steering Committee consisting of the Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer, and nine elected members. The nine elected members shall serve for a three-year term with three new members elected each year, and cannot be elected to two consecutive terms.

2. The Steering Committee shall from time to time appoint sub-committees as required. Membership on sub-committees need not be limited to the membership of the Steering Committee.

Article V. Officers

1. The officers of the Society shall be the Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer. Elected and appointed officers shall assume their offices at the end of the annual meeting.

2. A President-Elect shall be elected by the membership each year. Past Presidents are not eligible for re-election as President-Elect.

3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the Steering Committee to serve a term of three years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a list of the membership of the Society, collect dues, and make disbursements of funds as directed by the Steering Committee.

Article VI. Elections

1. Once each year, the Secretary-Treasurer shall canvass the membership for nominations of a candidate to serve as President-Elect and of candidates to serve on the Steering Committee. Each member may nominate up to five persons for the Steering Committee and two persons to serve as President-Elect.

2. The names of the persons nominated who signify their willingness to serve on the Steering Committee, along with a link to additional information to be provided by the candidate electronically, shall be placed on an election ballot, which shall be distributed to all members. Each member may vote for three persons named on the ballot.

3. The names of persons nominated who signify their willingness to serve as President, along with a link to additional information to be provided by the candidate electronically, shall be placed on an election ballot, which shall be distributed to all members. Each member may vote for one person named on the ballot.

4. Thirty days after the distribution of the election ballot, the election shall be closed, and the ballots counted. The three candidates for the Steering Committee receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected members for a three-year term. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for President shall be elected for a one-year term.

5. Any vacancy occurring among the elected or appointed officers or elected membership of the Steering Committee may be filled for the unexpired term by action of the Steering Committee.

Article VII. Dues

Annual dues shall be determined by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total number of voting members of the Steering Committee. All dues shall be payable by the end of each calendar year for that year.

Article VIII. Meetings

Meetings of the Society and of the Steering Committee shall be held at such times and places and upon such notice as the Steering Committee may from time to time determine. The Steering Committee may also conduct Society business electronically. Ten percent of members present in person shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Society, and a majority of the elected members of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Steering Committee or for purposes of conducting Society business electronically. The Steering Committee shall determine the order of business at meetings of the Society.

Article IX. Recall

Upon petition of ten percent of the membership, an election will be held on proposals with respect to the recall of members of the Steering Committee, or of any elected or appointed officers. Such recall will be effective upon tabulation of a majority mail vote of all members of the Society.

Article X. Amendment

The Steering Committee may propose to the Society amendments to the By-Laws which have been submitted to each member at least thirty days before the Steering Committee takes action thereon. A proposed amendment may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting in person at a meeting of the Society.